How to create ads on Instagram that work!

Creating an advertisement on Instagram: Where to Begin?

Since August 2015, the Instagram API is open. For brands it is now possible to run advertising campaigns on the social network dedicated to the photo. A huge market that opens companies as Facebook, Instagram owner, recently announced that the network now had 400 million active users. How to launch its advertising campaign on Instagram? What are the rules to follow? We go around the subject.


To launch an advertising campaign on Instagram several steps must be followed. Know that it is not mandatory to have an account in order to post advertising content. However the features are limited: you can not have access to comments and interact. Create an account is strongly recommended in the preamble. The other prerequisite is to have a Facebook advertising account. We must respect the rules imposed by the advertising network of Mark Zuckerberg and create an account on FB because the network is the basis for managing Instagram campaigns. An intuitive authoring tool is then accessible (Power Editor) but you can choose to create ads directly online, without downloading Power Editor, via the API Advertisements Facebook .... Your ads are fully configurable, and will be stamped with a mention "Sponsored" to notify users that it is not a standard content.


For successful advertising campaigns on Instagram should follow the codes of this particular social network focused on photography and video. The network itself provides some suggestions to get there. First recommendation: set clear objectives you are looking to have more notoriety or trigger purchases.? It is very important to think ahead to build a strong and relevant campaign. The second important point is the "story-telling". We must eradicate all the codes of traditional advertising and content focus on true moments, such as the users could live. You must tell a story. For example, if you are a coffee brand, you can tell the entire manufacturing process, from harvesting to roasting, and then to the coffee machine of the potential customer. Obviously, the content must be of very high quality graphics.

Product placement is not a sustainable strategy. There must be a real thread to decline over time. Before starting a campaign, be sure to optimize your own Instagram account. The account name must be clearly identifiable, the profile photo should be simple and clear. Add a link to your website. This seems to be the base, but this optimization process is sometimes forgotten ... A final advice: be creative, you can create your own hashtag and your own place to strengthen your community. They allow you to send an additional message and can make a viral campaign. Interact with users and relaying your campaign (visual, hashtag) beyond Instagram! Eg relaying your campaign via Twitter, Facebook, or through an off-line communication operation. After all, that is the cross-media!


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