Rocking Twitter Search : Top 10 tips to help you become an expert

Twitter is reliable, is still "really nice" ... We discover pictures of naked Stars before public speaks. We know what the new iPhone before Apple is like talking about it. We are aware of lives of our politicians watching the latest movies (before they are released :D) munching popcorn that prepared by wife/daughter/sister (insert selfie if you will here) ... But lets go back to when Twitter is meant as the first and foremost a great tool for business and communication.It is. I assure you.

How to promote operations on TWITTER.

Develop a community around your brand. Get a network of experts and influencers. Make the day before too. And yes, it is possible to make very advanced searches without using any other schedule tool. Here are the tricks to make you an expert of the day on Twitter.

You can find the Twitter search box at the top right of any page Twitter, or else directly on for a traditional search box, a bit of "Google-style".

The 10 tips for becoming an expert of the "Twitter Search"

# 1 To search for a phrase in particular? Put it in quotes 
Example: "social media"

# 2 To find tweets that contain two elements? Use AND or OR

Example: Marketing AND Twitter (search for two words)
Example: Marketing OR Twitter (search of one or other of the two words)

# 3 To exclude a term from your search? Use the minus (-)

Example: instagram -Selfie

# 4 To find the tweets sent to a particular user? Use to:

Example: to: juhisharmaUK

# 5 To find the tweets from a particular user? Use from:

Example: from: rulesofcontente

# 6 To find all the tweets from a specific zone? Use near:

Example: unicorn near: India0

# 7 To narrow the search and go further by also using within:

Example: unicorn near: India within: Mumbai

# 8. To search between two dates? Use since: and until:

Example: Social Media since: 2014-09-01 until: 2014-09-24

# 9 To search only tweets with links? Use filter: links

Example: Computer graphics filter: links

# 10 To search for tweets from clients or applications? Use source:

Example: CelebGate source: Instagram

Twitter is really a powerful tool for monitoring and research. It helps me find ultra qualitative information, which I haven't been able to find with Google search. Given the mass of raw information, Twitter is sometimes "fear" so the information is consistent and devoid of filters. You have very many tools to help you optimize your individual research. But with these tips, no need to log in to have his client to wear hands ...

And you then? Were you already using Twitter in this way? Will you put these top 10 to use?


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