The Evolution of Marketing Mix from 4Ps to 10Ps

The marketing mix often is debated not on its usefulness as no one disputes, but the number of ingredients that compose it. The question is whether the 4P are still current, or should we refer to them as 5P to 7P and 8P. However, doing a round-up, we come to 10P. So who are they? What is their purpose? Should we find others?

The 4P Mix-marketing

Jerome McCarthy created the Marketing Mix Model with 4P in 1960. Popularized by Philip Kotler, the principle is a offer available to consumers as combination of several components. They are mixed (mix) between them and not juxtaposed side by side, so as to represent a global offer to consumers. All ingredients are synergistic and materialize the same positioning. These 4P are still very useful in defining the offer, even in the hour of Social media and mobile marketing. The 4Ps are:
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Product = product policy (product composition, patent, but also range of political, packaging ...)
Price = price policy (premium or low cost pricing policy, promotional price ...)
Place = the distribution policy and access to the product (distribution circuit, off and on line, merchandising ...)
= Promoting communication policy (advertising, media and media hos, operational marketing, web, mobile and tablets, street marketing campaigns, sponsorship, web series, viral marketing ...)
The 5th P
With the development of customer marketing, satisfation of the client becomes a retention lever and brand reputation. The customer relationship becomes a wholly-management in companies and, with the rise of services, the fifth P is needed: People or Personnel in contact with consumers. Its role is very important: when you proceed to checkout your supermarket, when you join the after-sales service of your Internet access provider, or any other approach, there is a person in front of you who speaks brand and, in a way, reflects his image.

The 7P or extended marketing mix

At the same time, it seems clear that P 4 is insufficient to define the offer in a service company. Many authors as Lovelock, in 1996, developed the model of 7P, which adds to the initial 4P, besides the staff:

Process = characterizes the interaction with the service user. Because, unlike a product, service can not be stored, it "consumes" the same time it is produced. The term "service delivery system" reflects this phenomenon.
Physical evidence = characterizes the material component of the service, this is the proof. Because, unlike a product that can be tested (sample) or tried (clothing), the service is inviolable. It is therefore important to provide material evidence: contracts, performance, satisfaction ...
An 8th P as Partnership or Partnership
The company works increasingly networked, with partnerships. This 8th P illustrates the co-development policy between two companies or two complementary brands. Recently, the partnership Nokia and Microsoft came illustrate the 8th P, co-branding is another facet, and the strategy of exchange links between sites.

9th P as Permission Marketing

The term Permission Marketing was created by Seth Godin in his eponymous book. It promotes a new type of relationship marketing and direct communication of asking permission to consumers and whose opposite is represented by spam. The objective of Marketing Permission is of inducing the consumer, or rather the Internet and now the mobile user to engage with the brand. Primarily are concerned the conquest and loyalty programs.

The 10th P as "Purple Cow"
Again Seth Godin! Imagine an urban family in the campaign. First, she raves in front of a cow in a meadow, then, what was fascinating at first eventually becomes ordinary, so the cows are alike. But to Seth Godin, is what happens with the plethora of brands and products that clog supermarkets and proposes in his book, create a purple cow, that is a truly remarkable product to arouse interest. So this is the P of innovation.

What is the model P

We must keep in mind the objective of this model to use it well. One can choose the 5 P, the 8P or 10P. The key is that all these ingredients are fully aligned to provide a product or a global service in line with the brand positioning. This is the condition that the offer with its communication, its access points, price and all other P will stand out and find its audience.

Which of the new P will be next?

Without wishing to outbid, let our creative expression. For -t are there no other potential P? Which of these three new P inspires you?

P = Passion as if an offer does not make us live an exceptional moment or a memorable experience, she has an interest? This could be the P of experiential marketing.
P = Power as if the marketing mix of an offer has no power, no strength, no steps, he has a chance to emerge?
Paprika as P = after the Purple Cow, it could seek the cow Paprika, which bring a touch more spicy and sensory, this would be the P sensory marketing.

What do you think?


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