10 tips to optimize your videos on YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search platform in the world and the biggest online video site .
Here are 10 simple tips to highlight your content on YouTube and give you a chance to stand out among billions of video stories.

1) Metadata / IMPORTANT
First of all the title must incite the user to click on your video, that is why it must be:
Consistent with the content of your video

It is also very important to position oneself on keywords that are carriers, that is to say terms that will be sought by Internet users. External searches on YouTube are a driving force for your channel, even more so when you want to show your videos to a wider audience.

Also remember that you need to be consistent and pick up the keywords in your title, description and video tags , to give them more power. Be careful not to put more than 10 tags , by always putting the most sought first and last ones that are generic to your chain (ex: gaming, gameplay or beauty, tuto ...).  

2) Subtitles / OPTIONAL
Think of the subtitles that support your SEO in the YouTube search engine. Indeed, they are a help to the search engine to better understand the content of your video and thus make it stand out on relevant research. They also make your video available to people who speak a foreign language (eg English subtitles, if you notice a strong English-speaking audience on your videos) or people who are hard of hearing .

3) Thumbnails / IMPORTANT
Important since it is the first contact of your audience with your videos :
Snap with clicking images
• With close-ups and comprehensible : they are in small format, so it is essential to focus on the essentials
Coherent with the content of your video: not to disappoint your audience

4) Links to your site / OPTIONAL
 Put links on your videos to your site , your blog or other web page that would allow your audience to go further on the subject. Also make links from your site to your YouTube channel, this allows to multiply the points of interaction and sources of traffic.

5) Relevance to your subscribers / IMPORTANT
Your YouTube channel is not your Dropbox account that allows you to store all the videos you can produce. Instead, be careful to highlight content that will appeal to your subscribers , entertain them and meet their expectations . Do not publish "drafts" videos in public, but rather qualitative and accomplished stuff.

You can easily identify on Wiztracker, the videos that have experienced the strongest loyalty subscribers, on your channel> private metrics> Subscribers' favorites .

6) The cards and endscreens / ASSET IMPORTANT
Subscriptions, playlists, other videos of the series ... they allow to refer to different things for one purpose: to retain and to keep your audience on your chain. So do not hesitate to use them!  

7) Comments and Commitment / IMPORTANTInteracting with your audience is paramount . Answer your comments to manage your reputation , ask questions of your audience, ask them to choose the next topics for your videos, organize FAQs and contests . The more space you give to your audience, the more they will commit to you. This is one of the big advantages of YouTube compared to traditional media. You can detect your top fans on YouTube and value them.

8) Playlists / IMPORTANT
Playlists have been on the front line since the beginning of the year on YouTube, so now is the time to use them! They allow you to gather your content that is related to the same theme . They are essential to keep the Internet users on your channel .

9) Social Networks / IMPORTANT42% of the shares on social networks are in the first 72 hours of your video, so share your videos as soon as they are uploaded to all your social networks: Google+, Twitter, Facebook ... They will be redistributed and seen in will be multiplied . Find your strongest influencers ie those who follow your channel and have the biggest G + and Twitter community, connect with them to broadcast your videos and amplify them.

10) Watch-Time on videos and on channel / IMPORTANT
Make your audience stay on your videos, and secondly your channel is vital stand out on the YouTube search engine. Make sure to periodically include topics such as : best-of, end of multiple-choice video , games ...
IVP (In Video Programming)- great ways to push one of your playlists on all your videos. 



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