Should we bet on e-mailing or social media marketing?

Why choose between emailing and social networks to boost its digital marketing strategy when the ideal is to combine the two channels?

Social networks are no more than mere platforms where some individuals (often friends or acquaintances) display photos and share statuses about their privacy. No, nowadays, social media has become a vital marketing tool for any company wishing to have a remarkable digital presence.

For its part, emailing has become the most important marketing tool. It is simple, it is the channel that achieves the best return on investment.

So why choose between e-mailing and social networks when both have strong strengths and benefits? What if the combination of the two channels was the best marketing strategy to adopt?

Social networks vs e-mailing : an unfair but complementary fight

The all-powerful e-mail
We mistakenly believe that the distribution channels that hold the largest number of users are social networks. Yet, there are 2.6 billion email users worldwide; Twice the number of active and daily users of Twitter and Facebook combined! Moreover, to be able to open an account on social media, you must first have an email account!

But it does not stop there, because for any professional exchange, the e-mail is in order! At fairs, seminars and even raffle games ... people do not ask for your Facebook or other contact, they ask for your email address! Needless to say that from an important point of view and number, the mail prevails over social networks!

Mckinsey&Co. research unveiled that an e-mail that was 40 times more effective for acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter!

and the rate at which e-mails prompt purchases is not only estimated to be at least three times that of social media, but the average order value is also 17 percent higher.

Of course, we’re not saying marketers should bombard you with mindless spam.  

Social networks: perfect complements
Indeed, e-mailing seems to be the most important channel. However, we must not neglect the power of the social networks that must be exploited.

Yes, there are not as many messaging users as there are social networking users, but social media users spend more time consuming content. Thus, the impact of your message and your media presence will increase tenfold.

Likes, comments and shares on your post will have an immediate impact and in no time. One has to work on their e-reputation. The company is no longer just one name among many others, it has a soul, "friends", a community ... faces are put on names and therefore an incredible and positive impact is felt on the prospects / Customers. Plus, with the new social networking algorithms (including Facebook advertising ) you can reach an ever-growing, ever-growing, ever more focused audience.

An infallible combination

E-mailing for efficiency, professionalism and social networks for e-reputation, impact. So why not deprive yourself of one or the other when it is so simple to have both and to master its digital marketing strategy. Indeed, while one will bring high visibility and bail out the address book, the other will succeed in reaching prospects by changing them into customers.

 What's your recipe for success? Do you like to mix things up?


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